December 30, 2011 - Update

Our little red headed girl Reba is off to her forever home in Rio Vista.
She will have two stay at home parents that will give her all of the love and attention a little dog could ask for. She will also have a large fenced yard, toys, good eats and gets to go on long walks.
What more could this girl ask for!
Promise to be a good little girl and stop by to visit the next time you are in the neighborhood. Everyone here at the ranch are going to miss you!
November 19,2011
Reba Returns to Twin Cedar

Reba originally came to us from the Calaveras Humane Society and appears to be a pure bred LRD (Little Red Dog). She weighs 36 pounds and is a cute as can be.
This is Reba's second time through the Second Chance Program. Her owners stated she is just to much dog for them and that she needs a lot of exercise to keep her happy.
They stated that Reba is house broken and that she does not try to get on the furniture. They also stated she is not real good with men, she will run up to and bark at them. They are unsure if she is afraid of them or just doesn't like them. We have not seen this behavior here at the ranch.
What we have seen is Reba is extremely dominant and bossy with other dogs, male and female. She gets along with all dogs as long as she can be the boss and they don't mind being told what to do by her. Reba even goes on the pack walks in the evening along with 7-9 other dogs.
When she first arrived at at Twin Cedar she was a typical redhead. Stubborn was an understatement!! Once Reba figured out that Marge` was more stubborn than she was, she decided obedience was fun and she has come along nicely with all of her training.
Reba is very sharp with her obedience and worked very well in the group class after a nine month break from training here at the ranch. Reba had originally passed our kitty test but her previous owner state she will chase cats and small wildlife.
We are looking for a home that will have room for Reba to get the exercise that she needs and all of the love that she deserves. If Reba sounds like she may be the redhead for you, please give us a call to set up an appointment to come out to meet her.

When she first arrived at the ranch she was a typical redhead. Stubborn was an understatement!! Once Reba figured out that Margè was more stubborn than she was, she decided obedience
was fun and she has come along nicely with all of her training. |

Reba even goes on the pack walks in the evening along with 7-9 other dogs. Reba is a very affectionate little girl that just wants to be somebody's buddy. |
She does not appear to have any bad habits in her kennel such as destructive chewing or digging and per her surrender papers, she is housebroken.

If Reba sounds like she may be the redhead for you, please give us a call to set up an appointment to come out to meet her. |