May 29, 2012
To: Margaret Blair
Subject: the trip to my new home by Shorty
Well Mom, I now have two moms, but you will be my first love.
Linda is pretty cool but would not let me ride in the drivers seat. Bummer, thought I might get away with it.
I enjoyed the views but the excitement, curvy road and maybe eating so fast got to me after a while and I barfed in the back seat. No big deal, I tried to clean up most of it before we got home. Linda stopped and gave me water, which I really needed. She looked at the mess and did not get mad. So I think that is a positive sign that she will be a good new mom.
We had to stop and get me some food so Linda left me in the truck with grandma and the AC on.
Wow, I got all kinds of goodies, treats, ball, ball tosser, shampoo, special brushes, a crate with a very nice pad and a super bed for the living room. We got to the new place and Linda put me on the leash. We walked all around. I got to sniff so many new things and did mark a very large tree in the front to let the other dogs know there is a new kid on the block.
Then I met the cats...Isaac and Newton. They were not a great welcoming committee, stared me down and tried to make me submissive. But I remembered my manners and just lay down or walked slowly around them. While Linda unloaded the car and cleaned up my barf, she let me off the leash but kept a very close watch on me. I learned some new boundaries which I think are the edge of where we live.
The most exciting thing was hearing and seeing the water. I cannot wait to get down there, chase the ball and test the water. I have a feeling it is going to wait until tomorrow. I am tired, Linda is tired and the cats are on alert.
We put the new crate upstairs in Linda's room and she is going to have me sleep in the crate so I feel safe from the cats. I hope they learn that the crate is MY house and I won't get in their cats beds.
Hey, got some photos for you so you won't miss me.
The first is when we were leaving the old house. I wasn't sure what was going on and a bit sad but now I am fine. The last two were pretty scary for me. Newt kept creeping around me and staring. Finally I just laid down while New took about 5 minutes to get to me, one muscle at a time. I did not move. Then he sniffed around my tail, and even though I wanted to reciprocate, I just lay there and didn't even move my head. Then Newt walked away. Very wierd cat. The other cat, Isaac just stares at me and walks very slow.
Right now I am resting on the floor next to Linda's bed while she types this email for me.
I am OK, not nervous and just hope Linda feeds me about 5. BTW, I have a large water bowl and food bowl. I have already been told I can't get into the litter box. Now that is going to take some discipline on my part but I want to make Linda happy.
I heard Linda say she is going to brush me every night and I get a treat after we are done. She has lots of dog and cat movies I can watch so this new adventure is going to be pretty cool.
Tell Bella I miss her and I hope she finds a home as good as this.
Love and licks Shorty
May 29, 2012 - Update

Little Shorty Short Cakes is off to his new home in Kyburz. This is one lucky boy and we could not have hoped for a better home for him. He now lives in the forest and even has a river running through his property.
Margè will miss Shorty the most! If she didn't have as many dogs that she does... Shorty would have stayed right here at the ranch!!
April 30th, 2012
Little Shorty Short Cakes Arrives at Twin Cedar

Shorty hails from the wonderful folks at the Amador Co Animal Control and adoption Center. Margè calls him Shorty Short Cakes and she thinks he is a new designer breed for the working rancher. He is a Queensland Cardigan Shepherd. That would be a cross between a Queensland Heeler, Corgi and a German Shepherd.
Shorty is approximately 9 months old, weighs 38 pounds and is 18 inches tall but don't let his size full you. This little dog can move!! Our full size shepherds cannot keep up with him.

Shorty has only been here one day and he has already fit right in with the Twin Cedar Pack. He is a very smart and willing little guy that should train up very easily. In his
first lesson he has already mastered a very nice heel and auto sit.

Shorty is very playful with all of the dogs but his Cattle Dog side gets him in a bit of trouble once in awhile. He nips and bites at the other dogs when they are running and playing which gets him into trouble. Eventually he will listen to the dogs when they correct him and stops the bad behavior.

Shorty is great with cats and totally ignored our kitty T.C. He loves to play ball and be with other dogs. Since Shorty has very nice house manners and appears to ber house broken. |

During the day Shorty just hangs out with Margè and her pack while she is training client dogs. This boy is a real treasure!!
If you would like to meet this great little dog... please give us a call or send an email! |