January 9, 2012 - Update

Well...that didn't take long!! Our shining "Star" is already off to her new home right here in Sutter Creek.
What a lucky girl she is too!! She will be coming back for some more obedience training for her and her new parents.
She was a very good little girl here at the ranch and we look forward to having her back for more training.
January 1st, 2012
Star Arrives at Twin Cedar

Star comes to us from the wonderful folks at the Amador County Animal Control & Adoption Center and what a Shining Star she is!!!
Her intake papers have her down as a Shiba Inu/ Akita cross. We see the Shiba Inu but not the Akita and she is far too willing to be that cross. We are thinking she may have some Border Collie in her that would give her that very willing personality and focus.

Star had been at the shelter since October 27th and basically was going crazy. The report card when she
came to us was about as bad as it could get! With
Star's first lesson she learned how to do a perfect
focused heel, snappy auto sit, down at the side and
to stay in a sit and down.

She did all of this with the distraction of 11 other dogs and their handlers and had only been on the property for about an hour. Star is the type of dog that could excel in competitive Rally-O or traditional obedience, agility and probably could go into therapy work as well if her new owners were interested to do so. |

We are sure if the staff at the shelter saw her an hour after they dropped her off, they would accuse us of switching dogs on them! It took less than a day for her to win everyone's hearts here at the ranch!