September 22, 2011 - Update

Out little Cattle dog Zeke is off to his new home in Pioneer. What a lucky boy he is too! He gets to go to work with his new dad and ride around in his truck.
We knew if we were patient enough the right home would come along for this very sweet boy.
Good luck in your new home Zeke and since you jus live up the hill from us, stop by for a visit or maybe a group class.
May 9, 2011
Zeke Arrives at Twin Cedar

Zeke comes to us from the great people at the Amador County Animal Control & Adoption Center. Zeke is a 1 year old Australian Cattle Dog cross and we think he may have some Rat Terrier in the mix. His body looks just like a Cattle Dog and his head looks like a Rat Terrier.
He is very smart and willing to learn and is doing great with his obedience training. He gets along well with our two other Second Chance kids Leroy & Blue and in fact, they are all sharing one of our 100' X 100' kennels. It is very cute and entertaining watching them play tag!

The tow smaller guys can run circles around our big boy Leroy. When Zeke first arrived he had some very bad manners, jumping up on people and doing a lot of play biting.

Once he figured out that his obnoxious behavior didn't get him anywhere and being a good little boy did.... he stopped all of the bad manners. |

He also did a fair amount of digging in his kennel (Hmmm...Rat Terrier....) when he first arrived, but he has stopped doing that
as well now that he has roommates.
Zeke has very strong prey drive and is not good with cats or any type of livestock. He will nip at cats and will definitely chase and nip at livestock. He will probably try to kill chickens or small farm animals. Because of his predatory drives, Zeke needs to go to a home that does not have livestock or cats. Zeke is very playful with other dogs and would fit into a home with other dogs.
Even though Zeke is an active dog, he has the ability to relax when he is with his trainer or just hang out with his buddies.
He is an affectionate dog that likes to snuggle after his obedience sessions.
If this fun little dog sounds like the guy for you, please give us a call to set up an appointment to meet him.