January 22, 2012 - Update

Our goofy boy Cooper, now named Hawkeye, is off to his new home in Pioneer, Ca. He has a loving new family that includes a 11 month boy and a 2 year old boy and Hawkeye is one happy dog!!
He has a very nice yard to play in and will be in the house with his new family most of the time. Hawkeye will be coming back every weekend for his continuing education.
December 13, 2011
Cooper Arrives at Twin Cedar

Our very cute boy with the big ears, Cooper, comes to us from the Calaveras Humane Society. He is about 1 year old and looks like he could be a cross between either a German Shepherd or Akita and a Border Collie.
He will never be able to say.... I did not hear what you just asked me to do!! This boy has some mighty big ears to hear you! Cooper is the perfect dog except for one major problem. He can go over any fence no matter how high it is in a few seconds.

He doesn't go anywhere once he is on the other side other than to find a person to give him love and attention or to play with dogs in the next field over.
We are working on training through this very bad
habit and will not make him available for adoption
until we are confident that we have trained through
this problem.

Cooper is a very affectionate boy who just loves to cuddle. He does not jump on people and his overall manners are very nice.
Cooper is very calm when he is out of his kennel and is coming along nicely with his obedience training (not his favorite thing in life). He also gets along very nicely with other dogs. We tested him with our resident kitty and he pretty much ignored her. |

We would love to put him in one of our large 100' X 100' pens with a buddy or two but at this point he won't stay in the kennel.
We have ordered a invisible fence to attach to our current fence and are hoping this will be the way to convince him that he really shouldn't be jumping or climbing all of our fences.
If this works, he will be ready for his new home. Stay tuned for any updates on this great dog!