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  The 2022 Canine Good Citizen class starts April 27th on Wednesday evenings, ending on June 15th

Addie's Pups Are Growing!


Here they are, growing like little weeds!

Please be sure and click on the small pictures to see the full-sized versions. Please be patient if you have a slow connection!

These little guys are great and there are going to be some very lucky new dog owners! Of course, they'll have to pass Addie and Duke's pre-screening first!


Around the feed bowl, Doc's always the last to stop eating! Eula is the one asleep in the bowl!

Here's Cat Ballou & Kid Shaleen

Rooster Cogburn & Eula Goodnight

Etta Place & The Sundance Kid

Wyatt Earp & Doc Holiday

Rooster Cogburn plays ball!

Yummm.. Puppy mush!

The Sundance Kid

Here's Rooster Cogburn, complete with mush on his mug!

Rooster Cogburn conks out for a nap!

Duke sees his kids.
He says "What the heck is this?!"

Doc Holiday and his purple buddy.

Cat Ballou has something to say!

Pumpkin in the puppy patch!

Eula snuggles with Mr. Pumpkin... Where's the treats?

Eutta safe in Mom's paws.

The Sundance Kid weighs in!

Doc Holiday & Cat Ballou