Billy has been working in the group classes as well as privately and is coming along nicely with all of his basic obedience. He knows how to heel on a loose lead, auto sit, down from the side and front, and how to stay in a sit or down. He comes when called but we have not tried this when he is off lead yet. Billy will be joining the evening pack walks once he has healed up from his neuter surgery. We are sure he will do just great on the pack walks and have a blast with the other dogs! |
Check out Billy's very focused heel!!
Billy is absolutely terrified to get into any vehicle. We have not figured out why but we are currently trying to train and socialize through his issues with vehicles. Once he is in the vehicle he travels just fine. He does not show any type behavior once he is in and traveling!
We are hoping with time that Billy will enjoy going for car rides. After all, what good cow dog doesn't love to ride in his truck!!
If you feel you would be that perfect home for this wonderful boy, please give us a call to set up an appointment to come out to meet him. He would love to have the company!
Billy with his very bossy girlfriend Darla!